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Artful Code & Resources

Web design & development resources for out-of-the-box thinkers


The web is a platform for innovation and creativity. Our articles explore the unorthodox and artistic approaches to building beautiful, ultra-high performance websites and webapps.

Test Driven Development

A quick summary of TDD

~5 min read

#programming #development

How To Create CSS Only Tooltips

Noscript tooltips

~5 min read

#css #design #frontend #ux #ui #styling

How To Create CSS Only Modals

Noscript modal windows

~6 min read

#css #design #frontend #ux #ui #styling

PWA And Cookies

GDPR compliancy and Progressive Web Applications

~3 min read

#pwa #gdpr #design #frontend #ux #programming

Optimising Image Delivery

Speed up image loading, without sacrificing quality

~7 min read

#performance #design #frontend #ux #programming

How To Prioritise Bugs

Digital defect management

~5 min read

#agile #bugs #defects #projectmanagement

Mastering CSS text-shadow

The good kind of shady characters.

~3 min read

#css #design #typography #frontend #styling

Multithreaded JavaScript (Web Workers)

Weaving performance.

~7 min read

#javascript #performance #frontend

Core Web Vitals & SEO

Time for a checkup.

~12 min read

#seo #performance #frontend

TypeScript vs JavaScript

Speaking the right dialect.

~3 min read

#javascript #typescript #development #frontend #programming

Mastering box-shadow

Shadow casting 101.

~7 min read

#css #design #frontend #styling

What The Heck Is this?!

A quick guide to a confusing value.

~4 min read

#javascript #development #frontend #programming

JS Closures Simplified

A beginner's guide to a tricky concept.

~4 min read

#javascript #development #frontend #programming

UI: Beauty vs Usability

Finding balance between aesthetics and efficiency.

~9 min read

#ui #ux #design

MLC Styling

An experimental CSS technique which attempts to leverage the power of CSS, producing lean, efficient and hot-swappable styling.

~18 min read

#development #css #design #frontend #styling

A gradated dark-orange graphic of open and closed angle brackets with a slash between them representing developer code

Open Source Projects

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We love producing great code, so what better way to share the love than to open source some of our favourite bits that we've developed.

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Vanilla javascript helper & utility modules for common tasks & programmatically applying CSS transitions

replayView project

Proportions Grid

The fully responsive, content-first CSS grid system

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Typographers Grid

A modernly traditional 12 column grid system with built in vertical rhythm

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